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Mods by game:
Total Conversions TCs are mods that aim to change almost every aspect of the game. |
102 |
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City by Craig Kostelecky Grand Tani Islands by Eclipse_nl GTA: Long Night by hellfish
Major Modifications Any mods that change a significant part of the game are considered a major modification. |
211 |
Marina Carpark Mod by PatrickW Vice City XXL by tux.coder GTA N00bmode by Eclipse_nl
Minor Tweaks Minor tweaks can include any small script changes or additional missions. |
390 |
San Andreas Opened Up by Craig Kostelecky Hot Coffee by PatrickW Transfender Fix by OffRoader23
Plugin Scripts (ASI, CLEO) This category is for CLEO & Alice scripts only, regardless of size. CLEO or Alice are required to run these mods. |
2047 |
Passenger mod by Doomed_Space_Marine Pimping by OGIamLoco Car hit = hurt! by Doomed_Space_Marine
DYOM Mission scripts for Design Your Own Mission |
912 |
Pack Of Mission by Lubas The Outbreak Part 1 by gtacarl The Hangover Mission DYOM by GTAJJJ
Buildings New building models ready to be placed in-game. |
382 |
New oldgarage by Black_Wolf Sprunk Factory by Fireman New Bp Gas Station by Gta1player
Islands Completely separate land masses, often with their own roads, buildings and environment. |
126 |
Liberty city by xrk ocram District by ocram88 X Island by xmen
Stunt Zones Stunt Zones are specifically designed for stunting - ie. flipping cars and bikes and various other tricks. |
65 |
Marks Fun Island by LazioFreak ocram Isle by ocram88 MotoCross Track Island by Supdario
Textures New texture replacements for existing buildings and environmental items belong here. |
576 |
50's hotel room by caponester GreasyJoe's Bar Sign Mod by Buick455 CJ's Garage Mod by DanishH
Other Any other map-related mods, such as small edits and relocations |
307 |
Fallen Tree Trailer Hire v1.0 by DiCanio Heavens on Earth by jarjar Hollywood Variations by deNULL
Cars New car models to replace any of the existing cars in the game |
1423 |
Mazda MX-5 by Suction Testicle Man Nissan S13 Silvia by Suction Testicle Man Ford Fiesta mk3 by Jonny52002
Vans & Trucks Truck, lorry, semi and trailer models to replace any of the existing haulage vehicles |
226 |
1986 Hummer H1 by GTAGuy 1964 International C130 by 123abc GTA3 Cartel Cruiser by swmand4
Bikes Any bicycles, motorbikes, scooters or mopeds that are designed to replace the existing two-wheelers |
206 |
Honda CBR600RR by Th3 ProphetMan Chopper by Rollies77 Street Ducks by Rollies77
Aircraft New aircraft models, including helicopters and aeroplanes |
476 |
SR-71A Blackbird by [DRuG]NikT Yokel air by billybob bobson Boeing 747-400 by [DRuG]NikT
Boats New seacraft models, including ships, speedboats, fishing boats, jetskis, etc |
31 |
Easter Bay Aircraft Carrier Boat by [DRuG]NikT 46' Rough Rider Cigarette Boat by Ducati996 1968 Stardust Cruiser by DeathSquad
Trains New train models to change the ridable train from GTAIII or GTAIV, or the drivable train from San Andreas |
55 |
IC3 Train - Streak Replacement by [DRuG]NikT Cerberail Passenger Carriage by GTAuron Cerberail Locomotive by GTAuron
Skins New textures/skins for existing GTA models, or for new models by other authors |
550 |
Green Rhino by ICE COLD KILLA Camo Rhino by ICE COLD KILLA Black Hydra by [DRuG]NikT
Handling & Stats Statistical data changes for vehicles, such as handling, colours and spawn areas |
171 |
Ultimate NRG500 Stunt Handling by angelofhevn GTA IV Real Car Handling Mod by hazeyo GTAIV Double Damage Mod by l8ty
Other Models for vehicles that don't fit into any of the existing categories |
249 |
Sarin XTV by illspirit Custom Carcols by Sharkey Real Vehicles Xbox by Dalkaveli
Models New working character models to replace any of the existing in-game characters |
1077 |
Halo Master Chief by !cMc! Jacob Ryu by Psycho_8_1 Holla Back Girl .1beta by justa_newbie
Skins & Clothes Skin and clothing textures for both the player model and other in-game characters or peds (pedestrians) |
2586 |
Halo Mastercheif Skins Pack by silver007 Bathing ape clothing pack by sn00pee Grey and pink suit by im_santa
Models Weapon models, including updated high-detail version of existing weapons, along with entirely new weapons |
629 |
Dragunov PSL Sniper Rifle by Evan05 Halo Sniper Rifle by !cMc! Jacob Halo Shotgun by !cMc! Jacob
Skins New skins for existing weapons as well as skins for other weapon mods |
273 |
Superior Chainsaw Texture by Khardynyl Bloody Katana by Markovic89 New Chrome Shotgun Texture by -=Genius=-
Stats & Config Data Weapon data changes that specifically change characteristics of weapons, such as damage, rate of fire or magazine size |
264 |
Double Wield All Weapons by Blue Zircon Weapon Cost Mod by ScorpZ Dual Weild All Weapons by homer_simpson
Tools Tools used specifically for modding any of the GTA games |
339 |
Vice City Patch 1.1 by Rockstar Games San Andreas Hud by Squiddy Vice City Mp3 Control by Squiddy
Textures Miscellaneous texture replacements for anything that doesn't fit in any other categories |
560 |
Black & White Parachute by -=Genius=- Better Particle File by Sharkey A particle.txd File by C-Dog
HUDs, Maps & Menus Mods including new textures or scripts that change any of the in-game menus, maps or HUD (Heads-Up Display) |
587 |
Detailed Radar Mod by BaygoN New Scope by HiddenMyst Brand New Screens by OTO Design
Save Games Save games designed to be downloaded and placed straight into your game |
371 |
100% Complete Game Save by Konoko45 GodfatherXX 100% Gta SA PC by GodfatherXX Ultimate beginning save by icewolf293
Sounds New sounds to replace any existing sounds, such as vehicle engines and in-game speech |
283 |
Realistic Weapon Sounds by dDefinder Weapon sound changes and Hkmp5k by SwedishMafia New Weapon Sounds by s-paco
Other Anything that's simply too miscellaneous to fit into any other category |
787 |
San Andreas Texture Mod by silver007 Knifes stats plus by Knife Knifes free shopping by Knife