Passenger mod
also needs CLEO 3
Information Files
Author: Doomed_Space_Marine
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: beta
Status: Complete
Started on: 31 Aug 2007
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2008
Views: 202843
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.90625 (32 votes)
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ATTENTION! Don't use this mod on important savegames. It may mess them up.

The main feature of the mod is entering cars as passenger. You can also drive-by from the car. There are two drive-by modes: 3rd person mode, like in the last mission and turret-mode, like in "reuniting the families". Also, you can use drive-by mode from driver seat if you're driving cop bike, PCJ-600, BF-400, NRG-500 and FCR-900. Like cops with bikes and just like you can with cheat code OUIQDMW. In 3rd person drive-by you can use pistols, shotguns, SMG's, assault weapons and rifles. In turret-mode you can use all these weapons + minigun<img src="../images/smilies/smile.gif" alt=":)" /> To avoid ammo losing when exited turret-mode, I wrote small code that gives ammo back to CJ. Sometimes one bug happens - you get double amount of ammo than you had when you exit turret-mode.

Controls (Default):
Action+Yes (TAB+Y) - enter car ass a passenger
Horn+Yes (H+Y) - drive-by mode on
Horn+No (H+N) - drive-by mode off
Secondary Fire+4-9 (C+4-9) - turret mode on. 4 = pistols, 5 = shotguns, 6 = SMG's, 7 = assault weapons, 8 - rifles, 9 - minigun xD.
Enter/Exit car(enter) - turret mode off

You need CLEO 3 from . Put passenger.cs to CLEO folder. I didn't use main.scm, so you don't have to start a new game<img src="../images/smilies/smile.gif" alt=":)" />
Maybe in later versions I'll include driver that you can call. Just like in driver mod. ohh, I remember, using this mod with driver mod might crash your game<img src="../images/smilies/smile.gif" alt=":)" /> . Hmmm... That's all<img src="../images/smilies/smile.gif" alt=":)" />
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit