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Dragunov PSL Sniper Rifle
Information Files
Author: Evan05
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: V 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Jun 2005
Last Updated: 13 Aug 2005
Views: 79726
Type: Conversion
Rating: 3.33333 (9 votes)
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Rockstar Games are well known for their multi-million dollar earning Grand Theft Auto series although they do also produce many other excellent games, this modification is based on exporting the Dragunov PSL Sniper Rifle found in Max Payne II: The Fall Of Max Payne to the Grand Theft Auto series. This modification is aimed for the PC version of GTA: San Andreas, although can also be added to the PC version of GTA: Vice City and GTA: III if desired.

The Dragunov PSL Sniper Rifle is a Romanian made sniper rifle rarely found in the United States of America. The PSL is considered to be of higher quality to the other Dragunov range including the Romak 3 and the SSG-97. This weapon is no doubt my favourite rifle found in Max Payne II: The Fall Of Max Payne and I believe it will well replace the generic Sniper Rifle found in GTA: San Andreas.

Update:  For the time being the Dragunov PSL Sniper Rifle is restricted to being used in GTA: III and GTA: Vice City. I'm currently unsure as to how I can correctly install this modification in GTA: San Andreas. You'll be informed how to installed this modification in the near future.
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