You play from Ben's point of view! So this mod features missions, the notld farm, beekmans diner, loadscreens, menus, music, ect.
the house itself is a high poly model and may slow down your game. sorry. once inside you should have no problem. during freeroam to get in the house, you need
a jetpack and to fly down through the roof. kinda lame i know but it keeps the zombies out. the farmhouse is your safezone. there are random crashes during
gameplay in free roam, and sometimes normal looking peds spawn. also during the dyom missions sometimes the zombies dont attack you. those are about all the known bugs
i can think of.
To play with bens shirt during dyom hit the number 1 and it'll change
after that installing this mod is simple. just use an img tool to add the files in the player img and gta3 img folders. use alci's saat to install the sounds.
place the dyom missions in your san andreas user files. after that it's all a matter of replacing the old files with these new ones. i'm sure you guys know how.
add the house file in the map folder to your map folder. also be sure to add my enclosed gta dat file.
Theres so many resident evil mods out there, and unfortunatly one is used to make this one possible, but what ive tried to do is make a zombie mod thats not
resident evil. this is for the hardcore horror/zombie fans out there. Especially the ones that like the Romero movies!
And get ready, GTA Dawn of the Dead is coming!
any questions or whatever just let me know.
[email protected]
UPDATE! New farmhouse dff. Fires are now in the fireplaces.