Bullet Time Mod
max payne style
Information Files
Author: HippieCommunist No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.02
Status: Complete
Started on: 23 Apr 2009
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2010
Views: 31481
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.16667 (6 votes)
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Adrenaline based Bullet Time mod 1.02 (1.0.5 patched version included)

the idea in short:
the more and faster you kill the more time you stay in bullet time.
after killing 2/3 people on the first stage you will get and adrenaline rush
that will slow the game even more and then stage two of the bullet time kicks in.
this is where youe become a sort of 'vampire', you will get an unce of health
for every person you kill. you will also become stronger while on ardenaline rush;
you will move/reload faster *ini option for locking ragdoll ONLY WHILE ON AN ADRENLINE RUSH.
(locks ragdoll by pain... ^^ not that realistic)*
there is also a third stage of the bullet time, that reqires a very high killing skill 8)
see if you can reach it...

its not easy to explain so just try it, it was based on the idea of max payne's bullet time.
you will get the hand of it pretty fast, simply always keep in mind your killing !RATE!

*DARK adrenaline rush

*ini for killing before starting 1st stage of BT

*sound effects

*each kill you make will blink a red blip over the player and hear a low pitched sound to confirm
(sound only while on an adrenaline rush/stage 2)

*you can see the adrenaline count every few seconds on the right bottom corner of the radar

have fun!

tell me what you think here:

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