Chop Shop
Car customization in GTA IV
Information Files
Author: chamber No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA IV 
Status: Complete
Started on: 22 Apr 2009
Last Updated: 22 Apr 2009
Views: 34790
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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This ALICE script brings car customization options to GTA IV. You can recolor your car, modify detail, create special finishes, and swap out your car's body type. You can use it to create custom bikes, and it works on boats and helicopters, too.

To install, copy the .lua file to your \GTAIV\Alice\ folder. The script will automatically be enabled with the game starts.

After starting the game:
		Hold SHIFT and press the DOWN ARROW to cycle through available components (colors 1-4, and car body type).

		For most vehicles:
			Color 1 is the primary color.
			Color 2 is the secondary (detail) color.
			Color 3 is the specular color (change this to create pearlescent finishes, etc).
			Color 4 is usually unused, but on some vehicles will change minor details like rim or tire wall colors.

		When Colors 1-4 are selected:
			Hold SHIFT and the LEFT or RIGHT arrow to cycle through colors for the selected component.
			Hold SHIFT and X to RANDOMIZE the currently selected component.

		When Body Style is selected:
			Hold SHIFT and the LEFT or RIGHT arrow, or SHIFT and X to cycle through body types randomly.
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