Released V1.1 Added a better Fred skin credits to Zeb89
About the mod:
This mod creates a little and scary town in the Back o Beyond.
If you go there between the 23:00 and the 4:00 to that town you will encounter with:
*Jason Vorehess
*Freedy Krueger
You must have first find them in the Scarytown before they find you!
Each one can be killed in a specific form. I placed two useful pickups in the area. You must have know about horror movies for beat them. Good Luck!
This mod requires Cleo 3!
Know Bugs:
If you do know about a bug tell me
Cleo Script by Xander3000
ScaryTown by OoFLAVAoO
Jason Model by Zeb89
Freddy and Leatherface model by MatiSk8