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Homeland Security
Change NOoSE vehicles to U.S. H/L Security Dept.
Information Files
Author: gorgonut
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: v.1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2009
Views: 13904
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4 (1 votes)
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Homeland Security Mod v.1.0
This mod turns the noose cruiser, the polpatriot and the annihilator to their real life counterparts used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (referred in game by default as National Office of Security Enforcement –NOoSE).
With this mod you have one more real life police unit in the game so now you can play with 4 units (NYPD, Dept.of Homeland Security, S.W.A.T. and FBI) instead of the 3 that the game has by default (LCPD, NOoSE and FIB). Also this mod gives better realism since the noose cruiser and the polpatriot vehicles are driven by default by police (and not NOoSE) officers.
For more realism you can combine this mod with other ones which turn nstockade and NOoSE officers to S.W.A.T. vehicle and officers, LCPD cruisers and pstockade to NYPD vehicles and FIB to FBI agents.

The colors and the signs are as close to reality as possible. Further improvement can be done only if the texture map can be edited (thanks for the tip Nikzilla). Hopefully there will be an even closer to reality version. If anyone has the know-how please sent me a message at

Use Spark IV to replace the wtd files located in GTA IV/models/cdimages/vehicles.img.
Before you replace the files remember to make a copy of the original ones.
Feel free to post this mod everywhere you like as long as you give the proper credits. Also any help in order to make this mod even better is welcomed.
Thank you for downloading – Enjoy!
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