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Dodge Polara
Information Files
Author: bigfoot2003
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: v1.5
Status: Complete
Started on: 26 Jan 2009
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2009
Views: 47406
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 5 (11 votes)
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- Realistic Chrome
- High quality textures
- High detail model

Fixes for 1.5

- Fixed the double faced side windows
- Align the exhaust dummy
- Fixed tailight and headlamp
- Fixed the shadow model


- IMGTool
- GGMM (GTA Garage Mod Manager)
- OPTIONAL: Ashdexx Reflection hack (get it at 


-Hard Way

Use IMGTool V2 and open gta3.img (located in the models folder) and replace the files in the gta3.img file with its corrosponding file from the ZIP archive. ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS! 


GREENWOO 1600.0 	4000.0 	2.5 	0.0 	0.0 	0.0 	70 	0.70 	0.8 	0.52 	4 	160.0 	20.0 	20.0 	R 	P 	5.4 	0.60 	0 	30.0 	1.1 	0.12 	5.0 	0.32 	-0.20 	0.5 	0.0 	0.22 	0.54 	19000 	2000 	10000001 	0 	3 	0 		


greenwoo, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m


greenwoo, 30, 26, 77, 26, 81, 27, 24, 55, 28, 56, 49, 59, 52, 69, 71, 107


492, 	greenwoo, 	greenwoo, 	car, 		GREENWOO, 	GREENWO, 	null, 	poorfamily, 	10, 	0, 	0, 		-1, 0.7, 0.7, 		0


Use GGMM (GTA Garage Mod Manager) go to Installer -> Manual Mod install and simply browse for 442's TXD and DFF and fill out the forms for Handling, color and carmods. Note leave the special handling form empty.

OPTIONAL: Ashdexx Reflection Fix

All you have to do is Load San Andreas then hit ALT-TAB to return to Windows then open the reflection hack and click the "reflection fix"


You may NOT modify or convert this model to another game without the permission of the original author and me (you can PM me on GTAF or Ascendence).

This car is copyright and may NOT be sold, redistributed, or modified in ANY way without permission.
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