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GTA IDE Sorter
This C++ tool for mappers and TC mods to sort object IDs.
Information Files
Author: inan.ahammad
Works with: GTAIII GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 2.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 28 Nov 2017
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2018
Views: 6595
Type: Collaborative (other modder(s)' work involved)
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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IDE Sorting Script v2.0 by Inan-Ahammad . Contact: [email protected]

Special thanks:Parik
Inspired by X-Seti`s Sorting Scripts.

Some Q & A

Q:Is the script complete?
A:Yeah, technically!

Q:What is this?
A:Its a very important tools for mapping & TC mods.Its a created from scratch C++ program which arranges the Object IDs of IDE files according to your needs.Like if you want your Ids from 20.You type id starting id 20.Then first object id will be 20, 2nd 21, 3rd 22 and so on.It will also create the ide file and orginize it itself.

Q:What is this IDE, and why sort I dont know anything?
A:The think is, if you dont know about this.You wont necessarily need this.But you can always look up for more info
in gta wiki tough.

Q:Enter the IDE file name/location?
A:The location of your IDE file.You can just give a name of your file, if the program and file is in same folder but
 location is also supported.

Q:Does this support multi IDE input?
A:Nope, not till now.Maybe in future.

Q:Enter the processed file name?
A:the name of the file where your processed dta you want to be an also leave this blank and the program will
 set its name automatically using your original IDE file's name.

Q:Enter the start id no?
A:The number where your first id will start.

Verson 2.0

1.Remade the full program from scratch.
2.Used higher functions.
3.The program doesnt need any line counter.
4.The program crash possibility is now far less than v1.0.
5.Now the program supports file processing from the direct file.No need to copy and paste the code in the program.
6.Overall a lot of improvements.

Verson 1.0

1.The ide file will be self created.
2.Progess work prints in sorted.log file.
3.If any crash occurs, its details can be found in log.

The source code can be downloaded here

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oad this anywhere else without the permisson of author.Thanks
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