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BETA North Point Mall Roof
Information Files
Author: Kalvin
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: FINAL
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Oct 2017
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2017
Views: 9018
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.66667 (3 votes)
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Upon inspecting islandsf's east island model, it came to notice that the North Point Mall used to have a proper roof, rather than the blue mess.

My theory is the final roof was used for the interior only, however they at some point for some reason swapped it out.

This is a recreation with the LOD roof as a base.

The textures I have applied and vertex colouring I have done may not be the best, however I did not have a whole lot to go on other than general colour scheme.

If people want to edit it themselves and perhaps come up with a better version, they can go right ahead.
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brick bit bit bit
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