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Verdant Meadows Historical Plane
Exactly two twin-engine propeller planes
Information Files
Author: andy-luzak
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: Final
Status: Complete
Started on: 30 Jun 2007
Last Updated: 07 Sep 2007
Views: 38531
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.11112 (9 votes)
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Two Planes (Passenger Plane and Transporter) built using parts from San Andreas Map and another Planes:
- AT400 (Windows in Passenger Plane),
- Beagle (Gears),
- Desert Scrap Yard (Body),
- San Fierro Airport Welcome (Engines in Transporter),
- Abandoned AC Tower (Propellers).

- Models: Passenger Plane has windows, smaller engines and triple propellers, Transporter has bigger engines, quadruple propellers and no windows,
- Handling: Passenger Plane is light and fast (Press Caps Lock to add more power, turn it off before landing), Transporter is slow and heavy.
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