GTA VC New Cheats - This is a new plug-in mod that adds new cheat codes for the game gta vice city, such as cheat codes for money, helicopters and more. The mod is designed exclusively for a single game, this attempt to use it in multiplayer games can lead a player to ban the administration server. Use only in a single mod gta vice city game 1.0.
Cheat codes for fashion :
GETMYMONEY - Cheat code for money, the player adds $ 1000.
MILITARYTOOLS - Cheat code to a new set of weapons number 4 .
DRUNKTOMMY - Cheat code for drunken player cheat code Redial can be turned off .
GETARMYHELI - Cheat code by helicopter after dialing you get a helicopter HUNTER.
GETPOLICEHELI - Cheat code by a police helicopter .
GOODHEALME - Cheat code for a large portion of health in 1000.
GIVEDEADALL - Cheat code for dead bystanders, after activation , passers temper , cheat code can be disabled.
FIREFIRECAR - Cheat code fire truck .
Copy plugin vcNewCheats.asi, in the game directory GTA Vice City and put next to gta-vc.exe.