Install .net framework before use from below site:
Run Cords Compass while(after) running GTA SA, when in the game press selected key to retrieve cords in selected format, first time "cords compass" will appear on the screen next time "Cords Retrieved" will show up...
If cords are required to retrieve from SAMP, then just check the "SAMP" under the current status.
To create a format, following keywords can be use :
#xcord# for xcord
#ycord# for ycord
#zcord# for zcord
#rotation# for rotation in degree
#radrotation# for rotation in radian
write adjustments, if any
and when format completed, name it, add it and save it as well.
Adjustments are for adjusting cords and rotation after retrieve from game, it will automatically add/substract the specifieds values from xyz cords, rotation in degree and radian and add to the list.