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GTAVC IPhone/iPod Better Graphic
iPhone 4 and iPod touches ONLY!
Information Files
Author: alexmuranaka No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Dec 2012
Last Updated: 08 Dec 2012
Views: 25618
Type: Conversion
Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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This is a mod for people that owns a ipod/iphone 4 with GTA VC on it but doesnt like the crappy graphics.
GTA VC has good graphics on all others Devices (iPad 2, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5) except for the iPhone 4 and iPod Touches!
If you want the beautiful hd graphics on your lower devices, download this mod now!
NOTE: Installing this mod may make your GTA VC Lagg, so if you dont like to play gta vc with lag problems, simply delete the gta_vc.set and you will have the old graphics back!
to install you need to have iExplorer installed on your pc.
How to install:
1: Plug in your iPod/Iphone 4 in your PC.
2: Open iExplorer.
3: Go to /var/mobile/Apllications/GTA Vice your Applications folder has a lot of folders with numbers and letters, keep opening the folders until you find a folder with other folder called, then open Documents folder)
4: Copy the gta_vc.set on the Documents folder.
5: Disconect your iPod/iPhone 4 from the PC.
6: Enjoy :D
NOTE: People with jailbroken iDevices can use iFile app for iPhone(avaliable on cydia) to install the mod.
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit