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Niko's Berserk (Super Punch)
Launch PEDS and VEHICLES using Niko's arms
Information Files
Author: archyys77
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 28 Jun 2012
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2012
Views: 36505
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.5 (4 votes)
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!On screenshots are blue lines (in left bottom corner) and blue numbers (in right bottom corner) - don't worry about it, you won't have them, it's another MOD for GTA IV ("Crysis Nanosuit")!

This mod allows you to launch PEDS or VEHICLES using only Niko's arms. :) THIS IS MY FIRST MOD, ACTUALLY THIS ISN'T MOD BUT JUST ONE MODIFICATED FILE
P.S. Video isn't mine but with the same effect. :)
1. Download my file ("WeaponInfo.xml") 2. Go to ... \Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data 3. Find file named "WeaponInfo.xml" and make backup. (just copy somewhere that file) 4. Replace "WeaponInfo.xml" I INCLUDED CLEAR "WeaponInfo.xml" FILE INTO .RAR (not modificated)
If you don't like the power of kick/punch and want to make it stronger/weaker you will need Notepad or Weapon Editor (there are 2 ways to edit file) 1. Editing through NOTEPAD: 1.2. Open "WeaponInfo.xml" with notepad and find there "<weapon type="UNARMED">", under that line you will see: <damage base="55000" fps="0" networkplayermod="1.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/> <physics force="15000.0"/> 1.3. If you want see how ped and vehicle will fly higher/lower you need to change physics force="your value" (bigger value = niko will punch stronger, smaller value = niko will punch weaker) 1.4. If you want to make more/less dmg to ped (on vehicle this wont work) you need to find: <damage base="55000" fps="0" networkplayermod="1.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/> and change only "damage base"... (bigger value = bigger dmg, lower value = lower dmg) 2. Editing through Weapon Editor 2.2. Open "Weapon Editor" and laod file named "WeaponInfo.xml" 2.3. Choose Weapon Type: UNARMED 2.4. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE DMG TO PED YOU NEED TO: Open Damage and change Base (bigger value = bigger dmg to ped, lower value = lower dmg to ped) 2.5. IF YOU WANT TO THROW/HIT/PUNCH/LAUNCH PED OR VEHICLES HIGER/LOWER YOU NEED TO: Open Physics and change Force (bigger value = niko will higher/stronger punch/kick/launch peds and vihicles, lower value = niko will lower/weaker punch/kick/launch peds and vihicles) Sorry if I had grammer mistakes. :)
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