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The Invincible Gangsters Killer
They can't kill you anymore
Information Files
Author: Evil-Empire
Works with: GTAIII 
Release/Version: 1.3
Status: Complete
Started on: 10 Apr 2011
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2018
Views: 12199
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4 (5 votes)
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During a long time coming to some areas was surely the best mean you could imagine to suicide but the wheel has turned and revenge time has come.

Take your flame-thrower or M16, come to Chinatown, Saint Mark's or Newport and send these wastes of triads, leones or cartels straight to hell without they can be resurrected.

I included links to get the ultimate trainer, download the gore version and 2 files to modify the gangsters' behavior if you want to make a sub-mission or a rampage.

To install just replace your old weapon.dat

My other mods

Fast unsinking Liberty cars
Improved Shoreside Vale roads
No more unique stunt jumps
Spring weather

GTA Vice City
Vicious speed unsinkable vehicle
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