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Shoot movies against a green backdrop
Information Files
Author: FLeeF No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 24 Nov 2006
Last Updated: 06 Sep 2008
Views: 27676
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.42857 (7 votes)
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This quick and dirty map mod places a new building on the movie studio lot in Vinewood. It doesn't alter any existing maps in the game.

The new building is large and green (color used, red:0 green:255 blue:0) It's not pretty to look at from the surrounding area, but it's only supposed to be used to film chroma key scenes with 360 degrees of movement inside. It can even fit large land vehicles. I haven't tested it with all vehicles (like a semi-tractor/trailer rig), but I have driven the nearby spawned RV into it without problems.

For those of you that don't know what a green screen (or chroma key) is used for, in a nutshell: it's a backdrop for movie scenes your characters act in front of. After filming, during the editing process, you can merge any background you like behind the actors. Just make sure your actors/props have no green colors in their textures.

Use this mod in conjunction with the simply awesome San An Studios mod found here:

This is my first published mod. Laugh at me all you want; I can take it!
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