Nitrous Oxide
GTA Vice City Nitrous Oxide CLEO Mod by MW
Information Files
Author: MW_29
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: 3.0 Beta
Status: Complete
Started on: 24 Aug 2011
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2012
Views: 85719
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.32 (25 votes)
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GTA Vice City Nitrous Oxide [CLEO] Mod by MW v 3.0

The most stable nitrous boost mod from all. Your car will momentally speed up but it won't fly away anymore!
Looks better with ENB series visual addon.

! WARNING ! v 3.0 is in BETA version.

1.| Installation:

Put files to appropriate directories:

shark_3.wav , strip_3.wav 	> to ... /Audio/ 		(replace existing files AND download BOTH audiofiles first ! )
NitroSX.cs , NitroFX.cs 	> to ... /CLEO/
NitroFX.fxt 				> to ... /CLEO/CLEO_TEXT/

In ... /Models/gta3.img replace existing files:


2.| Features:

- boosting up speed of a car
- visual effect, exhaust violet and orange flames and camera shaking
- sound effect while nitro in use [second script required, i couldn't make it to work any other way... ]
- car speed control limit = car won't reach 1000000... km/h anymore!
- car from ground height control limit = car won't fly away in outer space anymore!
- nitrous oxide amount to use is unlimited
- to use nitro player has to drive to the NOS garage right next to washington pay'n'spray garage (the same building) and pay in cash to mount nitrous oxide installation into his car
- to use nitrous boost press both 'Forward/Up Arrow key' + 'Shoot' keys at the same time
- nitro is deactivated when player leaves car for more than 20 secs or car is destroyed
- when driving and 'Shoot' key is pressed while 'Forward' key is not, nitrous steam bursts through nozzles upward from engine

- NEW in v.3 -> nitrous sound effect ported from NFS: Underground 2
- NEW in v.3 -> new custom nitro nozzle steam sound is played too!
- NEW in v.3 -> you can install/deinstall nitrous by typing 'cheat' 'NEEDFORSPEED' ;)

3.| Bugs:

- some people, well maybe two guys told about some kind of blinking when approaching zone with garage, however that never happended to me

4.| 2010/2011, All rights reserved. Mod made from scratch by MW_29. Influenced by 'Nitro-X' mod by Kikiboy95

5.| ! Please rate my mod if you like it :) ... if you don't then try to make better one ;) !

Clip from v 2.0:

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