Bleed & Heal
Your body will behave in accordance to your health condition
Information Files
Author: BR_Goianiense No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.0.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 06 May 2011
Last Updated: 06 May 2011
Views: 85595
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.8 (10 votes)
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By BR_Goianiense
Version: 1.0.0
Released: 05/06/2011

- If you are critically injured, your body will constantly lose health until you get medical assistance
(or die). You will behave like someone that's critically injured.

- If you are not critically injured, your body will heal slowly through time. You may not be able to
sprint until you're at least partially recovered.

- Needs HazardX's .net scripthook version 0.891 or later. ->

- xLiveLess ->




Place the files and BleedHeal.ini into the scripts

folder within the game directory.


Change the values inside BleedHeal.ini to control the mod behavior.

CriticalHealth=30 > in percent of total health. Can go from 1 to 99. It is the limit between not being
critically injured and being critically injured. If you have more health than indicated here you will
recover through time, and the only penalty is not being able to sprint until you're partially recovered. If
you have less health than indicated here, you will be considered critically injured and your body will
start to malfunction.

TimeToBleed=10 > in seconds, can go from 1 to 30. This is the period in which you will lose health if
critically injured. Greater numbers will bleed slower, lesser numbers will bleed quicker.

TimeToHeal=10 > in seconds, can go from 1 to 30. This is the period in which you will recover health if not
critically injured. Greater numbers will recover slower, lesser numbers will recover quicker.

NoSprint=1 > 1 means you won't be able to sprint until you're partially recovered from non critical
injuries. 0 means it won't affect your sprint ability.

BehaveInjured=1 > 1 means you will behave injured if critically injured. 0 means you will behave as if you
had perfect health even if you're about to die (like in the original game). IMPORTANT: If wanted by police,
your character will make an effort and run even if he's critically injured, at the cost of bleeding a
little quicker (while running).
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