Solid Snake is a fictional character and the main protagonist of Konami's Metal Gear series of stealth video games. Created by Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear is Konami's main franchise and has sold approximately 26.5 million units as of February 2009. Introduced in the first game of the series, Metal Gear (MG) (1987), Snake has appeared in the majority of subsequent games and spin-offs. Japanese voice actor Akio voices Snake in Japanese, while actor and screenwriter David Hayter provides the English voice of the character. In his guest appearance in Ape Escape 3, he is voiced in English by Peter Lurie.
Solid Snake is a combination spy, special operations agent and mercenary of FOXHOUND, a fictional black operations and espionage unit. He is repeatedly tasked with disarming and destroying the latest incarnation of Metal Gear, a bipedal nuclear weapon-armed mecha. Controlled by the player, Solid Snake must act alone (or with the help of allies he meets during missions), supported via radio by commanding officers and specialists.
Spark IV or Open IV
Install Instructions:
1. Open playerped.rpf with Open IV or Spark IV
2. Backup hair_000_u.wdr, hair_diff_000_a_uni.wtd, head_000_r.wdr, lowr_diff_007_a_uni.wtd, uppr_diff_001_a_uni.wtd, hand_diff_000_whi.wtd and head_diff_000_a_whi.wtd
3. Import the files that are in the Solid Snake
4. Save playerped.rpf and then you can play as Snake
Snake in Action