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Chain Game For PS2
A Customized Starting Save
Information Files
Author: OrionSR
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: Beta 3
Status: Complete
Started on: 25 Nov 2010
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2010
Views: 12604
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.85715 (7 votes)
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The features long hosted on the Chain Game pinned in the Mission Help topic at GTAForums have been converted for PS2 version 1 and version 2 (Greatest Hits, Platinum versions, and probably Special Edition).

NTSC, PAL, and all major save formats can be supported by using the free conversion utility - PS2 Save Builder. The hosted save format is for AR-Max. If you use a different archive format (Codebreaker, Gameshark, etc.) then use the conversion utility.

Chain Game for PS2 v1 or v2, Beta 3: The included save files are:

1 CG4PS2v#b3.b
2 CG4PS2v#b3DB.b
    [*]v# denotes the San Andreas version, v1 for the original, v2 for more recent versions. [*]DB is a Debug save. Many features have been unlocked early for testing and review. This save is not intended for game play. There is a very good chance that glitches will occur if this save is used to progress the story.
Chain Game for PS2 Feature List Updated Saves - Beta 3
    [*]New map - much more accurate [*]Garage Block patched to include rubregg's Mutant Bikes [*]Added Bayside Armory - house farthest to the southwest (restart game if it isn't working) [*]Moved Bayside Seasparrow near the Armory [*]Added ramp for busting through the Sprunk Billboard in Jefferson (Reuniting the Families) [*]Updated unique jumps to include the Sprunk Billboard [*]Updated zones to include the Mafia gangs that rubregg added in Las Venturas [*]All car generators included in the save are set to "force spawn" - improves spawn reliability [*]Added bribes, grenades, satchels, katana, and chainsaw to the armories [*]Added unused gifts to the dance clubs [*]Added Glenster's Andromada at the Airstrip [*]All parachutes are set to fast-respawn [*]Added radar blips for girlfriend Pay'n'Sprays, Impound Garages, and spheres for the bomb garages [*]Configured Pay'n'Sprays that close during missions to lose the blips shortly before they close [*]Import/Export cars should remain active after exporting (are enabled at the beginning) [*]Prevented several vehicles from being hidden after completing flight school [*]Moved a few added vehicles to prevent spawn conflicts due to the change listed above [*]RC Cam (drivable flowerpot) enabled in version 2 saves [*]RC Cams crash the v1 saves so Mt Bikes are placed where RC Cams are listed on the map [*]*Random* Car in LV is now a Bullet
Armory Hideouts - Some safehouses and some other interiors are now linked to a special "armory." This armory contains high-ammo pickups for the most used weapons in the game as well as a health pickup and it also has a wardrobe so you can still change your clothes (or get armor) there.
    [*]Small 24-7 in West Mulholland, LS [*]Whetstone Farm Safehouse; can be used at the start but must still be purchased to reach 100% completion [*]Vank Hoff Hotel Safehouse in Queens, SF; must be purchased to be used [*]Big Pointy Building in Downtown SF (if you take the marker back down after going to the top) [*]Sherman Dam between entry marker on top of the dam and the Generator Room interior. [*]Caligula's Roof (North marker; South one still goes to the Roof)
Teleport Markers - Some markers which used to link to shops now allow quick warping between far-off areas of the map. All portals which lead towards LS and Red County allow bikes and all portals which lead towards other areas allow both bikes and cars. However, most of these markers are quite close to the buildings they used to allow entry to and it may be difficult or even impossible to get a car to go through. Bikes should work for all although you may have to nearly drive up the wall to get it to register.
    [*]The 69-cent store near Unity Station, LS connects with the unmarked barber shop in El Quebrados [*]The 24-7 at the truckstop in Whetstone (near Angel Pine) connects with the unmarked Montgomery Pizza Stack. [*]The Binco in Juniper Hill, SF connects with the Binco at the North end of the Strip in LV [*]The Victim in Rodeo, LS connects with the Victim in Downtown SF. [*]The SubUrban in Jefferson, LS connects with the SubUrban in Creek, LV
Enlarged Garages - Many safehouse garages have been expanded in (virtual) size so that vehicles can fit on the roof as well as inside. This allows you to save small air vehicles as well as cars. Note that you can only see vehicles on the roof if the door is open. The capacity of the garages cannot been changed and is still limited to 4 total vehicles each.
    [*]Mulholland Safehouse Garage enlarged [*]El Corona Safehouse Garage enlarged [*]Palomino Creek Safehouse Garage enlarged [*]Dillimore Safehouse Garage enlarged [*]Doherty Garage enlarged [*]Whitewood Estates Safehouse Garage enlarged [*]Rockshore West Safehouse Garage enlarged
New/Altered Garages - One safehouse garage has been moved to a new location as a special "dock" garage which can save boats as well as land/air vehicles and some previously mission-only garages have been assigned new subversive duties.
    [*]The Redsands Safehouse garage has been disabled and replaced with a dock garage at Toreno's Ranch. This dock is marked on the map with an anchor icon and special objects have been placed on the map at the corners of the garage to mark its boundaries. The dock garage is usable from the start of the game, even before Toreno's place gets a save icon. [*]The smaller garage at the Verdant Meadows Airstrip is now open from the start of the game. Much like the Doherty garage, this gives you a place to stash a car for 4-star fun. [*]The garage in the alley in El Corona used during the mission Los Desperados has been internally renamed and turned into a bomb shop (remote detonation bombs.) It will remain operational even after the mission is passed. [*]The garage behind Cesar's house in El Corona has been turned into a bomb shop (ignition trigger bombs;) it will also be opertational for the entire game. [*]The SFPD Impound Garage is slightly smaller. This prevents bikes from spawning in the ceiling, and allows a path for CJ to enter without replacing the contents with random vehicle spawns.
Enlarged Pay'n'Sprays - Some Pay'n'Sprays now have a larger size so that air vehicles can be sprayed by landing on the roof.
    [*]Dillimore PnS enlarged [*]Juniper Hollow PnS enlarged
New/Altered Pay'n'Sprays - A Pay'n'Spray that is normally locked and unused has been relocated and enlarged; this is a normal PnS. Also, several previously mission-only garages have been assigned spray duties for some of the time; these function the same as Michelle's PnS they are free and display the "girlfriend has fixed your vehicle" message. Note that free Pay'n'Sprays still require that you have at least $100 in your pocket even though they do not charge you.
    [*]A previously unused PnS has been moved to East LV behind the Dance Club. It is marked on the radar with the standard spray icon and functions normally. However, it has no visible door so at ground level it is accessible from 3 directions and the changed camera angle can be a little tricky to deal with. Also, it is large enough that air (or other) vehicles which land on the roof will be sprayed as well. [*]The Downtown LS garage used in the mission Life's a Beach functions as a free PnS during the early part of the game. Once that mission is passed, the garage closes. [*]The garage next to the Angel Pine Ammu-Nation used in the mission Puncture Wounds (if you let it get that far) functions as a free PnS for part of the game. Once that mission is passed, the garage closes. [*]The garage in Ocean Flats, SF (a block South of Wheel Arch Angels) used in the mission T-Bone Mendez (if you let it get that far) functions as a free PnS for part of the game. Once that mission is passed, the garage closes. [*]The garage next to Woozie's shop in Chinatown, SF intended for the mission Ran Fa Li but never actually used in the standard game functions as a free PnS; this garage has been internally renamed and remains open for the entire game. [*]The garage in Las Brujas, Bone County used in the mission Interdiction functions as a free PnS. When you pass the mission the garage door comes down, but the door is unsolid. Thus you can walk through it back into the garage and get in the vehicle you just left, or drive something else through the door later to get the door to stay open. So this PnS is accessible the entire game.
New Objects & Interiors - Some extra stuff added to the map.
    [*]SFPD Interior The Dillimore Police Station now links to the previously-unused SFPD Interior. Note that the displayed name will still say "LSPD Headquarters" when you enter it, but it functions normally. As with other police interiors, there are several pickups inside and if you pull out a gun, they'll hit you with a 2-star wanted level. [*]Sunken Pirate Ship In the murky waters below the Dock Garage (see above) at Toreno's Ranch you'll find a sunken wreck. It's best to explore using the Underwater Glitch though since diving pretty much requires max lung capacity and health to survive. [*]Dock Garage Boundaries Some flaming skulls and some lightposts mark the corners of the Dock Garage; they look especially cool at night. [*]Boat Jump Ramps There are a few boat ramps scattered throughout SA's waterways for stunting with a fast boat. [*]Truth's crops are there at the start of the game; you can burn them down if you wish (just for fun) and they should reappear if you restart SA and load a Chain Game save again. [*]The floor of the ground level of Big Smoke's Crack Palace is solid at the start of the game. [*]The Vents blocking access to the underground military base in the desert have been moved; will be replace after Black Project
Bug fixes
    [*]The save disk in Madd Dogg's Mansion has been moved from the location near the back door to the first room on the left ("the library"). While still near the door, this location is far enough away from the interior basketball court that it should prevent the Basketball Glitch; thus saving at Madd Dogg's place is no longer discouraged in the Chain Game. [*]The armor pickup in the dark room opposite the recording studio in Madd Dogg's mansion will now respawn if picked up; in the orginal game once you grabbed it, it was gone. [*]A bribe inaccessible in the standard game has been moved to the narrow alley behind the SF Fire Station; long-time Chain Game players may remember this location from previous rounds. [*]The Smash Wall at Smoke's Palace has been provided a small amount of health so that it isn't quite so fragile. [*]Vehicle spawn positions at the Bike School, Airstrip, and other locations have been nudged to resolve spawn conflicts. These vehicles will now spawn more reliably.
Early Access - Missions, locations, and other things made available earlier to expand what can be done at the start of the game.
    [*]Basketballs spawn on all the courts at the start of the game so you can play the basketball minigames earlier. [*]All Race Tournaments (i.e. Street Races) are available at the start of the game; barriers between islands may render some of them difficult or even impossible. Completing the Lowrider Race, Badlands A, or Badlands B before winning the race during the storyline mission is not recommended. [*]Bike School and Boat School are open at the start of the game. Driving School is marked on the radar but cannot be attempted until the mission Wear Flowers in Your Hair is passed; note that you will not receive the phonecall from Jethro about the driving school following the Deconstruction mission. [*]SF and LV car mod shops are open at the start of the game but they will not be marked on the radar until the storyline "officially" opens them; LS mod shops remain inaccessible until Cesar Vialpando is passed. [*]All gyms are open at the start of the game but will not be marked on radar until the mission Drive Thru is passed.
Several Safehouses are open earlier than normal.
    [*]The Johnson House is open at the start of the game; thus you can save there prior to completing the mission Big Smoke [*]The Whetstone Farm Safehouse is open from the start of the game even though it can't yet be purchased; you will still have to buy it later to reach 100% completion. [*]Also, most of the Armory Hideouts (see above) are open from the start.
Mission-related interiors are accessible at the start of the game but may close later.
    [*]Zero's RC Shop is open from the start and probably won't close. [*]Crack Den is open from the start but will close once Cleaning the Hood is attempted. [*]Madd Dogg's Crib is open from the start but will close once Madd Dogg's Rhymes is attempted and will remain closed until A Home in the Hills is passed. [*]Vagos Gang House is open from the start but will close once Burning Desire is attempted. [*]The Pleasure Domes club is open from the start of the game but will close once Ice Cold Killa is attempted. [*]Sindacco Abattoir is open from the start but will close once The Meat Business is attempted. [*]Planning Department is open from the start but will close once Architectural Espionage is attempted. [*]Big Smoke's Crack Palace is open from the start of the game and should never close.
Unique Stunt Jumps - The original game's unique stunt jumps are gradually being replaced by our own jumps. Some of these highlight ways to get in and out of hard-to-reach places, others showcase special features of the modification, a few encourage participation in the Chain Game Rallies, and some are just cool. There are currently 19 new jumps; because these all replace original jumps, the count remains at 70 and SAMA will properly display all of them.
    [*]LV Pyramid to PnS [*]Isolated Mound South of Montgomery [*]Jump over plane at LS Airport [*]Tunnel into SF Airport [*]Mt Bike Rooftop jump in Downtown SF [*]NRG Rooftop jump in Downtown SF [*]Underwater Mound in Red County [*]Fern Narrows jump [*]Isolated Tree near Blueberry [*]Early LV access jump [*]Yacht Harbor Sign at Santa Maria Pier [*]LS Airport Roof [*]LV Fuel Depot (KACC) [*]Fallen Tree in Panopticon [*]Speed or Splash; South of Blueberry [*]Foster Mall [*]Foster River [*]Shady Creek North [*]Shady Creek Delta
New Pickups - A few new pickups were added to spice up the game; most are located in the Armory Hideout, but there is some interesting stuff outside too. Note that pickups marked "fast respawn" will generally regenerate in less than a minute although you do have to leave the immediate area and come back to grab them again; weapons which have shared ammo with others in their class cannot be marked "fast respawn" however because of the possibility of nullifying their ammo count.
    [*]Armory Hideout[LIST][*]9mm Pistol; 500 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Silenced Pistol; 500 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Desert Eagle; 500 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Tec-9; 500 ammo [*]Micro SMG (uzi); 500 ammo [*]SMG (MP5); 1000 ammo [*]Chrome Shotgun; 500 ammo [*]Sawn-off Shotgun; 500 ammo [*]Combat Shotgun; 500 ammo [*]AK-47; 1000 ammo [*]M-4; 1000 ammo [*]Sniper Rifle; 250 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Molotovs; 100 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Teargas; 100 ammo (fast respawn) [*]RPG; 250 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Heat-Seeker; 250 ammo (fast respawn) [*]FlameThrower; 2000 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Minigun; 1500 ammo (fast respawn) [*]Health (fast respawn) [*]Knife (fast respawn) [*]Parachute (fast respawn) [*]IR Goggles (fast respawn)
    [*]LS Jetpack; by tree next to Johnson House [*]SF Jetpack; Chinatown rooftop requires some clever climbing [*]LV Jetpack; Clowns Pocket rooftop
Adrenaline Pills work similar to pills in previous games; time slows for CJ for a brief time and he's a little more powerful.
    [*]Adrenaline Pill (fast respawn) in Jefferson; by train tracks across from church [*]Adrenaline Pill (fast respawn) in Glen Park; alleyway North of park [*]Adrenaline Pill (fast respawn) in Ganton; along Grove St under overpass
Asset pickups just like the assets in the original game, money only increases when you are nearby
    [*]Pirate Booty (on deck of sunken ship) 65k per day max; 250k overall max [*]Four Dragons (interior) 25k per day max; 25k overall max
Miscellaneous Additions
    [*]Armor (fast respawn) in every wardrobe [*]Parachute (fast respawn) on Caligula's Roof (South side) [*]Health in SFPD Interior
Tweaked Original Pickups
    [*]The parachute on top of the Antenna Tower by the Big Ear is now set to fast respawn. [*]The parachute on top of SF Big Pointy Building is now set to fast respawn. [*]The parachute on top of Garver Bridge is now set to fast respawn.
Player Attributes Stats, skills and other things related to the player himself.
    [*]All the buyable clothing is available in your wardrobe at the start of the game. [*]Armor increased by 100; this means that an armor pickup prior to the vigilante mission will give you 200 armor and one after completing vigilante will give you 250 armor. [*]CJ starts with 16% Driving Skill (8-Track requires 20%) [*]CJ starts with 16% Flying Skill (the airport gates require 18%)
Added/Altered Vehicles
    [*]Far too many changes to list here. The CG4PS2 Map includes most of them.
Special Vehicles - Several safehouse garages have been seeded with unique vehicles to serve particular purposes such as 4-star fun or Chain Game Rallies; many have custom wheels and extra NOS and those with green colorings usually have some sort of proofing as well.
    [*]Santa Maria: Bullet- & Fire-proof engineless green NRG; intended for Katie Jumps Rally [*]Mulholland: Bullet- & Fire-proof FBI Truck with 127x NOS; intended for early Vigilante [*]Palomino Creek: Bullet-proof black Bullet with 127x NOS; intended for Badlands Endurance Rally [*]Palomino Creek: engineless NRG; intended for Skipping Palomino Rally [*]Doherty: Bullet- & Fire-proof green Cabbie with 127x NOS; intended for 4-star Taxi Driver. [*]Paradiso: engineless NRG; intended for general stunting [*]Prickle Pine: engineless NRG; intended for general stunting [*]Prickle Pine: Bullet- & Crash-proof green tractor; intended for Misappropriation Buffalo collection. [*]Whitewood: Everything-proof green FBI Rancher with 127x NOS; intended for Vigilante fun [*]Dock: Everything-proof Squalo; intended for boat stunts although it still takes damage from collisions [*]Rockshore: Everything-proof green painted Sultan with 127x NOS; intended for Homie-assisted gang wars [*]Fort Carson: Everything-proof green Sandking with 127x NOS; just because we love Sandkings [*]Verdant Meadows: Bullet- & Fire-proof S.W.A.T.; intended for Vigilante Challenge [*]Verdant Meadows: Bullet- & Fire-proof green painted Broadway; intended for 4-star Pimping [*]Hangar: Everything-proof green Rustler; intended for air stunts [*]Hangar: Everything-proof green Stunt plane; intended for air stunts
Custom License Plates All of the custom license plates for non-mission vehicles have been altered to reflect the Chain Game and to honor past contributors.
    [*]CHAIN4L - Sweet's Greenwood (outside of missions) now proclaims his love for the Chain Game. [*]CG4PS2v1 - Ryder's Picador (outside of missions) now keeps track of the current round. [*]DINKI-DI - Red Sabre at Mulholland Safehouse honors zmoonchild and mimics his actual car. [*]_J_A_J - Black & White Phoenix in Doherty; honors JAJ [*]PDESCOBR - Woodrose Romero at Las Brujas honors pdescobar [*]_PHREAK_ - Blue Sultan on seabed near the Panopticon honors GTA Phreak and his mastery of the "undrowning" glitches. [*]RUBREGG_ - Vermillion Cheetah in Rockshore honors [*]_SAMUTZ_ - Monster truck in Dillimore honors Samutz whose GTASnP Uploader is invaluable
    [*]The starting save loads in the Jefferson Alley at 6:30 (or very close to 6:30). The blinking radar & message to head towards Grove St are both intact, as is the Grove St arrival audio. Also, the in-game map "graying" is intact. [*]Arcade games have special messages embedded in the initial high-score list. [*]Unused "Bum Scripts" have been activated. They can often be seen urinating in public.
4-Star Gangwars
    [*]Several Balla and Vago turfs have been added to San Fierro and Las Venturas to allow for 4-star gangwars.
Known Issues
    [*]The Wardrobe Armor usually requires CJ to leave and re-enter before it spawns. [*]The particle streams from the bum scripts tend to attach to other peds, vehicles, or objects. [*]Dillimore Monster spawns pretty far inside the roof of the store. Can still push it out.
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