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San Andreas Stories
4 new missions: Dyom mod
Information Files
Author: chris0071992
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Status: Complete
Started on: 22 May 2010
Last Updated: 23 May 2010
Views: 9128
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.25001 (8 votes)
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4 Dyom missions

Ep1: Ryder is not dead yet.
Ep2: Emmet need help.
Ep3: the end of Carl Johnson.
Ep4: Vincenzo end the job.

Nedded: Dyom V5.0 , Cleo 3.


In ep1, ep 2, ep3 you are Sweet and in ep4 you play as Vincenzo a guy of italian mafia who works for Salvatore and want dead the johnson brothers because Carl rob the Caligulas casino.

Sorry for english errors
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