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Ultimate Graphic Tweak
Smooth shadows and Crysis-like motion blur
Information Files
Author: bartekxyz
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.1b
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 15 May 2010
Views: 337597
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.17648 (34 votes)
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Ultimate Graphics Tweak
Important: Test version of tweak compatible with patch is available. Tell me how it works. Get it HERE Presentation in HD
What is this?
Ultimate Graphics Tweak is a little modification which allow you to enable improved post processing effects like Motion Blur and Depth Of Field. It also smoothens dotted shadows and jaggy edges while keeping whole game sharp and clean. As a result game feels like a movie, and is visibly smoother even at low frame rates (15-25FPS). NOTE: To improve your gaming experience even more I recommend GTA4 Enviroment mod by kriller2 as a great addition to this tweak.
You have a choice
To satisfy all of you I divided Ultimate Graphics Tweak into all possible combinations of particular effects so you can enjoy only those you really like. Just look at the table below and decide which tweak suits you best. If you want to check more than one option just install one of those tweaks and then overwrite files from another one, it's safe.
Depth Of FieldMotion BlurSmooth ShadowsDownloadScreenshot: DrivingScreenshot: LandscapeScreenshot: Shadows
Instruction for patch and users:
1. Unpack chosen archive wherever you want 2. Run MagicIV (included in archive) 3. Click on "validate Files" 4. After validation click "Apply patch" button 5. Go to ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Data\ and rename visualsettings.dat as visualsettings.OLD.dat 6. Copy visualsettings.dat from unpacked archive to ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Data\ 7. There is a rage_postfx.fxc file in following folders: ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_atidx10 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_low_ati ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv6 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv7 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv8 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30 Rename this file in every folder to rage_postfx.OLD.fxc then copy file rage_postfx.fxc from unpacked archive to each of these folders 8. Click "Verify" button and after successful verification close MagicIV 9. Play the game (set "definition" to off in graphics options or just press "p" while in game) NOTE: Keep MagicIV app somewhere on your disk because it's neccesary if you want to come back to original game settings Uninstallation: If you want to go back to original settings run MagicIV and click on "Recover", then just delete each of the new files you copied from the unpacked archive, and remove the ".OLD." extension from each of the backups you made.
Instruction for patch - SINGLEPLAYER users:
1. Unpack chosen archive wherever you want 2. Go to ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Data\ and rename visualsettings.dat as visualsettings.OLD.dat 3. Copy visualsettings.dat from unpacked archive to ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Data\ 4. There is a rage_postfx.fxc file in following folders: ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_atidx10 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_low_ati ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv6 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv7 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30_nv8 ..\Grand Theft Auto IV\Common\Shaders\win32_30 Rename this file in every folder to rage_postfx.OLD.fxc then copy file rage_postfx.fxc from unpacked archive to each of these folders 5. Play the game (set "definition" to off in graphics options or just press "p" while in game) Uninstallation: If you want to go back to original settings just delete each of the new files you copied from the unpacked archive, and remove the ".OLD." extension from each of the backups you made.
Notes for patch MULTIPLAYER users:
If you want to go multiplayer with this mod applied you need an ASI loader and MP File Check Fix by Alexander Blade. ASI loader: MP File Check Fix: Instructions, download and support available in this threads.
Belinda - For ultra-cool tips Klanly - For a solution on how to separate static blur from DOF and MB. Thales - For great, great screenshots. Aru - For MagicIV and other cool tools. Alexander Blade - For ASI loader and great asi scripts. CharmingCharlie - For keeping it sticky. Suction Testicle Man - For lifting limits of pics in one post
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