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Shoots Like Machine Guns
too fast to dodge the shots
Information Files
Author: xXxbBb
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: v1.0
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 04 Jul 2009
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2009
Views: 7995
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 1 (2 votes)
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This mod will make you shoot weapons so fast like machine guns.
But you have to be in 'HITMAN LEVEL' for the mod to work.
It is recommended that you use the infinite ammo cheat'cause
the weapons are so fast that you will reload just because you
shoot for a few seconds. I've tested it in my computer and it
works well. if there is any bug tell me by adding comment in this
page. In the next version I will make the weapons don't have to
reload so that you don't have to cheat infinite ammo.

Don't upload it anywhere without the readme inside the archive
(if there is no readme inside tell me), and don't modify it!
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