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Nerner's Trainer Savegame!
For free roaming.
Information Files
Author: nerner No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: V0.8
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Jul 2009
Last Updated: 04 Jul 2009
Views: 5599
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.33333 (3 votes)
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Well, basically, since V1 users and people who have downgraded have trainers and such, and V2 users have very limited options when it comes to editing of the files, with the chain game being the only real modded savegame that you have to play around with, you could be forgiven for wanting to downgrade. But I have decided to change that...

Here are the options for the BETA of the save:

• Saved after the mission Green Goo, to give the player an experience of playing through missions with a trainer, without pissing about with barriers and such, I could save it after any mission though if you want.
• Never Wanted.
• Infinite Health/Armour. Although, it will reset to normal levels after dying, as you can still die if your car blows up, or if you fall from a great height with a parachute in your inventory, and don't open it, or drowning at the moment.
• Spawn points for the Andromeda, SWAT Tank, SWAT Van, FBI Truck, and the RC Van.
• Changed the Picador by Ryder's old place, into a Super GT, just for fun.
• Changed a few pickups around the place, see if you can find them.

For V1 users, you probably have better trainers, but you can use the brilliant guide by pdescobar at the top of the Mission Help forums. And hopefully if this is well received, this could be the first of many. Download link below.
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