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Weapon Realism Mod
realistic weapon gameplay
Information Files
Author: Darkehll
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 0.2
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 23 Jun 2009
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2009
Views: 18302
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.25 (4 votes)
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This mod makes your character hold the pistol, Uzi, Tec 9 and Sawn off shotgun with two hands and I also changed most of the damage of the guns to make it a lot more realistic but the accuracy of the guns are lowered, or you will get killed easily or kill people too easily. I disabled the dual wielding system to make the game more realistic too. Yes, and I know it is a disadvantage to walk slower with the guns held in two hands so I increased the damage of the guns. Even the gangsters shoot like professionals now.

Weapons balanced. Police does not switch between nightsticks and pistols anymore, while just using the gun to hit you. Damage same to unarmed. There is a bug in the game without this mod where you get 1 star and the police chases you with the bat. When you switch to a gun, he takes out the gun and shoots you. Then when you switch back to a melee weapon, he sometimes holds the nightstick like a pistol. And with this mod, there is no nightstick in the game anymore. When a police dies, there will only be a gun.
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