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Super Spawner Script
Spawn peds, vehicles, objects, and pickups
Information Files
Author: CoMPMStR
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.4
Status: Complete
Started on: 08 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 15 Aug 2009
Views: 25714
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.71429 (7 votes)
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Here it is, yet another spawner script.. or is it? This script allows you to spawn vehicles and peds alike. Not only can you spawn vehicles, and peds, you can also spawn various objects and also alter them in different ways upon spawning them. Now you can also spawn pickups!

NEW in v1.1:

 - Now works for game version v1.0.2.0.
 - Fixed the issue with some peds not performing their tasks after spawning lots of peds.
 - Stand still-task peds will now stand still, even when you drop a grenade.
 - Fight player-task peds will now stay focused on fighting the player.

NEW in v1.2:

 - Major improvements to the overall script.
 - Modified the key layout to add new features.
 - Added a master key combination to turn the script on or off.
 - Added lots of new configurable options.
 - Added blips for some spawned peds.
 - Added some object spawning support, complete with attachments.

NEW in v1.3:

 - Improved the Defend and Fight-task peds some more.
 - Added console commands that allow easier script actions.
 - Added some more configurable options and modified the ped tasks.
 - Added a preview function to view the selected entity.
 - Added the ability to place entities while aiming with the mouse.
 - Added save and load functions for spawned entities. Console commands only.
 - Modified some other minor details.

NEW in v1.4:

 - Updated to work with new game version and scripthook.
 - Added pickup spawning support, for both weapons and money.
 - Added multiple new object attachment locations; back, body, left arm, etc. just to name a few.
 - Added the ability to remove any entity after placement, without clearing the entire list.
 - Improved entity positioning with the mouse, now allowing rotation of objects.
 - Improved the dance-task peds, now they will actually dance instead of kick and fall.

Minimum Requirements:
.NET Framework v2.0 GTAIV PC Installation Any ASI Loader HazardX's .NET ScriptHook
Recommended Requirements:
.NET Framework v3.5 GTAIV PC Installation Any ASI Loader HazardX's .NET ScriptHook
- .NET Framework v3.5 - ASI Loader by Alexander Blade - Xliveless by listener - YAASIL - Yet Another ASI Loader by HaxardX - .NET ScriptHook by HazardX
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