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Multiplayer level
Information Files
Author: Lantyz
Works with: GTA2 
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 04 Mar 2009
Views: 7504
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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With the size of about a third of Tiny Town, Scavenger is a very small multiplayer map. The map consists of a simple road network in a industrial environment with a chaos of ridges, walkways and crates. The map features only one weapon: the rocket launcher. Throughout the map, you'll find about fifteen pick-ups which will give you one rocket each. This forces you to try to find a balance between scavenging for rockets and scavenging for your opponents. The more opponents, the harder this gets. There are no power-ups available, including health. The rocket launcher is a one-shot-one-kill weapon in most cases anyway. Players who have lost some of their health, cannot regain full health without dying first. Players who die, spawn at a hard to reach point near a rocket launcher, making spawn killing hard.

Random fun fact: the map contains 116 crates.
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