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VC Sabre Turbo
Conversion of the Vice City Sabre Turbo
Information Files
Author: swmand4
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 2.1
Status: Complete
Started on: 13 Aug 2005
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2005
Views: 73227
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.8 (5 votes)
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The original model is from GTA Vice City (created by Rockstar) and converted and slightly modified by me. Added a new vehicle engine (taken from the San Andreas Sabre) and textures for the area around the engine. The wheels are off the SA Sabre vehicle. Mapped the head lights and tail lights so they light up at night and when braking. The license plate was replaced with a SA random generated one. Otherwise all other textures are from VC.

Revision 2 Updates: Textured the engine, added windshield wipers, fixed clipping error under engine, remapped vehicle bottom to better SA texture, added a gas cap, added front and rear axles, and changed the steering wheel to a SA style one. There are also numerous texture alignment issues that have been addressed.

Revision 2.1 Updates: Woah, there are too many to list. Texture updates, a few geometry updates, and a few other issues fixed.
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