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A different bike.
Information Files
Author: Blues The Squirrel
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 10 Aug 2005
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2005
Views: 246927
Type: Conversion
Rating: 3.47825 (23 votes)
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| Monocycle |

This is my first vehicle mod for San Andreas.
It is a monocycle made to replace the Wayfarer.
The model was edited from a BF400.

| Installation |

1. Open your gta3.img with imgtool(DO NOT USE
SA ULTIMATE EDITOR) and search for "wayfarer.dff"

2. Extract it and keep it somewhere for backup.

3. Replace "wayfarer.dff" with the one included
in this download.

4. Search for wayfarer.txd

5. Extract it and keep it somewhere for backup.

6. Replace "wayfarer.txd" with the one included
in this download.

7. Rebuild archive.

8. Create a copy of "vehicles.ide" for back up.

9. Open "vehicles.ide" and search for the Wayfarer's

10. Replace that line with the following line
586, 	wayfarer	wayfarer, 	bike, 		WAYFARER, 	WAYFARE, 	wayfarer, motorbike, 	6, 	0, 	0, 		23, 2.35, 2.35, 	-1

11.Your done! Play!

| Credit |

(Me) Blues The Squirrel: I made the mod, duh.

 piln: He was originaly making a monocycle
	 for Vice City but disapeared without
	 finishing it. He inspired me to make
	 this mod.

 Spooky: For making imgtool.

 Oleg M: For making ZModeler2. Just because.

 R*: For San Andreas

 You: For downloading my mod.

| Terms of usage |

You may NOT host this mod on your site without
giving me credit. If you give me credit then
I have no problem.

You may not edit the mod and send it to a site
claiming it your own.
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