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Liberty City - Twenty Ten
Information Files
Author: OnePiece No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTAIII 
Release/Version: v1
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 21 Aug 2007
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2009
Views: 61862
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.39474 (38 votes)
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Sometime around 2009 a huge civil wore broke out in America, assassinations and killings were common. One of the worst hit places was Liberty City were any one in a position of power was killed, leaving the city without a leader.
All police and army units were wither destroyed or assimilated into the civil groups.

Basic features:
All new cars

All new weapons

Completed Shoreside Vale with working tunnels to a much filled out Ghost town.

Peds now pack heat, there is no more law in liberty

new tunnel systems spanning the whole of Liberty

hundreds of new textures, building interiors, easter eggs and much, much more.

release Date:
Before GTA4.
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