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Improved Shoreside Vale Roads
Adds ramps and a road to avoid you some detours
Information Files
Author: Evil-Empire
Works with: GTAIII 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 23 Aug 2017
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2020
Views: 9937
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.2 (5 votes)
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Don't you find it strange and frustrating you are so oftenly forced to make long detours to reach geographically close destinations in Shoreside Vale?
Are you sick and tired always having to take the Porter tunnel when a client in the northwest towers asks you to go to the airport?
Are you sicked and tired of having to take the same tunnel or to make a hazardous stunt when you need to leave the airport to fastly reach Wichita gardens?
Are you sick and tired of having to waste your time going down the snaking road?
Do you sometimes forget to turn left when you take a fare from Staunton view to the northwest towers and to lose your time turning back and missing the speed bonus because you can't directly reach the northwest towers from the bottom of the snaking road?

Then rejoice because these problems are over ; I added a road between the airport and Wichita gardens so you are no longer forced to lose your time taking the Porter tunnel.
I also added 2 ramps on the snaking road plus 1 leading directly to the northwest towers so you can make your sub-missions, especially the taxi one, more fastly.

Copy and paste ShoresideValeImproved.ipl in your GTA 3\data\maps folder.
In your GTA 3\data folder open gta3.dat, go to #Scene information and at the bottom line add IPL data\maps\ShoresideValeImproved.ipl quit and save.

Don't hesitate to check my other mods

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Spring weather
The invincible gangster killer

GTA Vice City
Vicious speed unsinkable vehicle
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