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English Text For GTA Anderius
English text translation
Information Files
Author: SolanaBogon
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Aug 2016
Last Updated: 07 Aug 2016
Views: 57922
Type: Conversion
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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First, please notice: I don't speak Russian, and English is not my native language: this mod will be full of gramatical mistakes and badly phrased sentences. But it's better than
not understanding anything at all.

Here is an example with the first mission of the mod:
I used and internet translator to translate the Russian text, but because sometimes the text has no meaning, I extrapolated, using the context, what might have been said. Most of the text has been translated using the context in which it is triggered, but unfortunately that's not 100% of the text (some sentences didn't played in my gameplay because it needed particular elements to happen, such as failing the mission in a specific way, etc... ), so these sentences might actually have a wrong meaning put in the context they were intended to be. The text was stored in the files using a code (as Russian characters aren't supported). Contact me if you are interested in this code to improve the mod for example. To install, simply put the "American.gxt" of this mod in the "text" folder of the game folder (default: "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\text"). Don't forget to make backups of the original files! For any suggestion, improvement, or bug/crash report, please contact at [email protected] or my YouTube (SolanaBogon). Have fun!
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