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DOT Utility Van
Information Files
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: Final
Status: Complete
Started on: 20 Jul 2016
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2016
Views: 6129
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 2.5 (0 votes)
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This is my first ever mod, so expect some flaws in it. :P

This is just the utility van, but with a new livery.


You need TXD Workshop, or either Mod Loader to install this mod.

TXD Workshop:

Simply open the folder you keep all of your technical GTA SA stuff, and open TXD Workshop.

Now click "Open IMG", and open your gta3.img file.

Type "utility.txd" in the search bar at the bottom.

Now, where the .rar file of the mod is, click the .rar file, and extract the contained files to where you want them to go.

Now, back in TXD Workshop, click on "utility.txd".

You should see a file called "trash92decal128.bmp".

Click "Import".

Now you will be prompted with a menu saying to open the file you want to replace the original one with.

Go to where you stored the .bmp file from the mod and click the .bmp file.

Then click "Open".

After that, you should see that the "Sanitary Andreas" logo has been replaced with a "Department of Transportation" logo.

Click "Save TXD".

Now you just have to close out of TXD Workshop, and enjoy the mod!

Mod Loader:

Extract the contained files from the .rar file provided with the mod to where you want them
to go.

Open the game directory, and open the "modloader" folder.

Now make a new folder called "DOT Utility Van" (you can name it anything.).

Drop the .bmp file into the folder you made.

Now close out of the "modloader" folder, and enjoy the mod!
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit