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WolfPire's Moon Mod
The moon has never been so beautiful!
Information Files
Author: Lucario
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 3.0(Final)
Status: Complete
Started on: 06 May 2011
Last Updated: 17 Nov 2011
Views: 7470
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 1.75 (4 votes)
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WolfPire proudly presents
								WolfPire's Moon Mod.

> Description <

- This mod will add a total brand new moon to you GTA San Andreas!

Here's where the idea came from

''I was bored of staring at the same moon all the time, Low Quality, blurry and somehow... Old. I've decided to use my
Photoshop skills to create a brand new and brighter moon! A moon that everyone will want to stare at everytime they use GTA SA.''

I hope you enjoy my Moon Mod as much as i enjoyed making it ^^ I might come with a new version soon anytime!


> Installation <

1. Go to ''C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/models'' (or where ever you have San Andreas installed. ''... GTA San Andreas/models'')
2. Replace the ''Particle.txd'' that is inside with my new Particle.txd
3. Execute GTA San Andreas
4. Wait for the Night to come

> Bugs <

- None so far.

> Contact <

Skype: wolfpire.
MSN: [email protected]

> Credits <

WolfPire(Luffy/Lucario) - Creator

Enjoy my mod!

> Note <

- Please make a backup of your ''Particle.txd'' in case you change your mind and decide to uninstall it.
- Use ''ENB Series'' to enchance the moon. ;)
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