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Clear days, no poor visuality...
of rain, thunderstorms and sandstorms
Information Files
Author: Natra No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Status: Complete
Started on: 08 May 2006
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2007
Views: 22407
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4 (5 votes)
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- This mod will make all days sunny.

- But it will still rain, thunderstorms and sandstorms still occur but the vision will stay the same as a normal day.

V1.2 addition:
- I removed Very Sunny days because it makes your vision blurry which looks stupid.

- Added more variety of days. I used Sunny Days from different parts of SA. For example the Sunny Day from countryside/LS/SF/Desert will randomly occur in all parts.

Q: What's the difference between this mod and the 'Always Sunny' mod?

A: The 'Always Sunny' mod has no night, no rain, only sunny days. But in this mod the days will only be sunny and nights will still be dark.

Note: If you have 2/4/10x draw distance and you install this mod then you won't have extra draw distance anymore.

If you notice any bugs, please notice me about it and I'll try to fix it. I didn't add any screenshots because I think the discription explains everything. If you would like to see a screenshot or two, just ask.

How to install this mod:
Download the timecyc file, copy and paste it to the 'Data' folder of your San Andreas folder. Replace the files and start your game. Never forget to make a backup.

I am NOT responsible for any trouble this mod may cuase. But I will try to help you as much as possible.

Thanks for interest in this mod and I hope this will make your game more fun or better.
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