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GTA: Frosted Winter
New story for GTA3
Information Files
Author: BEGINit
Works with: GTAIII 
Release/Version: Final
Status: Complete
Started on: 25 Mar 2011
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014
Views: 64580
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.72415 (29 votes)
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This is a total conversion mod for GTA3.

STORY It's early 2002s. After the death of Don Salvatore Leone, Tony Cipriani took the leadership over the familly as the traditions say that a new don is ellected from the capos. And Tony was the most experienced of them all. But this soon had to be changed as Joey Leone had to become the new don on behalf of Salvatore's last will. But there were two conditions. 1 - Joey had to create a familly. So he married Misty. 2 - Joey had to make a big deal which would bring profit to the familly. But then Tony betrays Joey and sends him to death. Joey survives. He's on the run now, cannot return home, cannot trust enyone. Only one thing is on his mind now. Revenge... FEATURES NEW SCRIPT. This includes: 83 new missions that consit of: 69 totally new story missions (including 18 property missions) 14 new side missions 6 buyable properties 20 old + 10 new unique jumps 20 old + 10 new rampages 100 hidden packages in new locations new weapon, health and armor locations NEW collectables: 12 bodycasts, 50 bonuses and 5 terrorists changeble clothes some other minor stuff I tried to make a story driven game. Missions are not demanding, quite fun. I also made this new feature called Additional Mission Objectives (AMO). During some missions a text box with AMO will appear. It will give you an additional objective that you don't have to achieve, but if you do you will get more money for completing the mission. Those are ussually simple like loose cops, make it in time, kill everyone and so on. Also: New textures (cars, winter duh... ) New weapons New sounds New radio stations (not available) New intro videos New splash screens New menu Some map changes Both English and Lithuanina language And other... Instalation: Download ALL 3 parts. Extract the archives. Copy the files from the extracted folders with the original ones in your game directory. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Download the latest and final version of the mod at GTAFORUMS page: FINAL FROSTED WINTER OK, about skippin the CS: 1. You can only skip the mission start cutscenes by HOLDING enter/exit vehicle button (which is usually enter/return). 2. You cannot skip any other cutscenes (like those accuring in the middle or end of the mission) 3. The game intro cutscene cannot be skipped until the Joey monologue part. Also if the default language appears lithuanian and you having troubles changing it go Nustatymai>>Kalba>>Anglu Don't forget to check the 100% list! You can also check out video walkthrough: Video Walkthrough Feedback
Mr Myriad
Alt big thanks and respect you! BEGINit I haven't any words to describe this MEGA mod.
gta player06
The sheer scope of the project is incredible and it is very rare to see such extensive mission mod for GTA3. So cookies for that, man. smile.gif
GTA Lion King
I love this mod! One-Million of One-Million! inlove.gif
man, you have made a great mod, im so happy for can play this :) Comments appreciated :)
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