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Rock Island
Rock on island!!!
Information Files
Author: l3mmy
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: wip
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 04 Apr 2006
Last Updated: 13 May 2007
Views: 63676
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.59999 (10 votes)
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This map Mod adds a new island with some objects and almost all houses will have interiors hopefully. Theres five entrances to the island, one in the country to the west, one on the end of santa maria pier, one at the end of the jetty just east of the pier, one just through the tunnel to the east of the jetty and one right in the south west corner(on the road) of LS airport.
There are many spawns like cars, weapons and item(i've even put the androma in the airport and the AT-400. You even spawn at the hospital and police station when you die or get busted. Obviously there is no cars driving on the island but as soon as a san andreas path editor comes out i will update the files with one so they do drive on it.
There are a many other features that you will see throughout the island...

if you would like to follow along with this mod or become a member of the next mod contact me...
CONTACT... [email protected]

The Island is located south of santa maria beach

Please vist my forums(L3mmys gta forum) here:
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