Autosave And Stuff
Cleo mod pack for SA, VC and for GTA III a bit.
Information Files
Author: ThirteenAG
Works with: GTAIII GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 14 Dec 2010
Last Updated: 28 Nov 2012
Views: 201776
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.40741 (27 votes)
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22.10 update: Uploaded completely fixed Autosave+mission restart script. As a bonus i added some upgrade skill menu after every mission.
Note: All archives don't have readme files, so read the description below :)
0)[SA] Autosave + Mission Restart
SA: Install the scripts, in game press f5 button for quicksave(1 slot).
After every mission, game will save your progress in 8 slot automatically.
After mission fail, you can restart it by pressing a key, just like in GTA 3 10th anniversary.
1)[SA|VC] Autosave SA: Install the scripts, in game press f5 button for quicksave(1 slot). After every mission, game will save your progress in 8 slot automatically.
VC: Press "2" button for quicksave(3 slot), and as well as in SA, script automatically will save your game in 7 slot after every mission. Before load savegame you must restart game.
2)[SA/VC/III] Reloading mod Press R button and weapon will be reloaded.
3)[VC] Mouse issue fix If the mouse don't work sometimes - that's the solution. 4)[SA] Midnight Club LA checkpoints That's not replacement, so you need to change the model of standart checkpoint(cylinder.dff and diamond_3.dff in gta3.img) and install New Great Effects 1.6, if you want to achieve same effect as on video.
5)[SA] Manual gang wars Press "f2" to provoke a gang war.
6)[SA] Realtime map Press "Tab" for show map.
7)[SA] Aero enabler When SA starts, it also disables Aero, this script returns Aero back after starting the game. Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate. 8)[SA] Aero enabler with mouse fix Special version of aero enabler, which includes mouse fix for gta sa, no need for compatibility mode with it. I made it for myself, but who knows, maybe someone need it too. Recommend to use with fastloader.asi. 9)[III] Quicksave Press "2" button for quicksave in first slot. All mods tested and works perfect on CLEO 3. With CLEO 4 they may work partially or not work at all. Source codes can be found on the sannybuilder forums. Special thanks to Seemann, Alien, Sanchez, Deji and other members of
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