Floaty Islands
Large Chunks of land thousands of feet above the g
Information Files
Author: chickenplucker
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: #2.5 early
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 27 Dec 2005
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2006
Views: 112501
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.5 (14 votes)
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This mod is a total conversion. Vice will be wiped off and replaced with three large floating islands. There is a mission script that goes with it to create some parked cars/spawn points, and a new set of ped paths on the one islands so your not alone. This is still a very early version. The final will hopefully be in SA. Try it out and if you have comments, questions, PM me through GTAforums.
Have fun

Theres two version now, one nath247 has set up to work with a full install of Vice, and the origanal total conversion. Make sure you back up all your data folder if you get the one for a full install of vice, I think the some files need to be updated, so you may end up with an empty city with no traffic or peds. The total conversoin one should be fine on its own. Just for clarification one more time-
Floaty islands full instal= the version for a full vice install
FLoaty islands= total conversoin
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