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Experiment Episode 1
DYOM Mission Pack
Information Files
Author: werakan007
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: v2.5
Status: Complete
Started on: 08 May 2010
Last Updated: 23 Jul 2010
Views: 3754
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 2.5 (0 votes)
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DYOM Mission pack
Contain 6 Missions in Episode 1
Difficulty: Normal

* Warning * In this topic has spoiler

In the begining, Norman Wilson, the man who running on San Andreas who like millitary.
One day, he going to go to shopping in the Market in Los Santos. After that, he felt sleepy and slept.
He woke up in the underground lab in Desert and scientist call him "Super Soldier". After that,
the lab go into flame. The mystery soldiers attack the lab and kill all people what they seen.
Norman has escaped from the lab and known who is control this attacking. He wanted by
army because he is terrorist. His life is danger life. What should he do? His life control by you.


Put all files into My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files

In my name is werakan007, but, in online game or other web my name is Vegas.
However, in my DYOM Mission, I write author by use Vegas name.
I have other DYOM Mission like
- Derby Story
Weapon Texture like
- Bloody Chainsaw (In has many bloody texture. Find the name werakan007.)
- Metallic M4
Find, download and vote or comment it. Thank you!
(You can find all at

In the "Good Bye Cruel Desert" mission has the bug.
One of objective like "Go to climb the ladder" has bug. In normally, Norman will teleport to chimny.
But, he not teleport. You can use Jetpack to go to "second ladder"
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