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Turning Point: Shift in the Sand
Will Release When the Time is Right.
Information Files
Author: [501st]Wolf
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: Act I
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 05 Apr 2010
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2010
Views: 18185
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.18182 (11 votes)
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Update Feed 06/07/10
I deeply apologize for holding back on my release, but I am too busy muscling my personal life and my commitment to this DYOM Series. Yes I wil lhold back the release of Act II, but I will continue to work on it when I have the time. Please bear with me on this one. I appreciate any bad-mouthing (if you have any) because of my failure to notify. I will release it when I feel it is right. Yes, it is finished and I am thinking of adding more missions. *Tune off* From [501st]Wolf comes a new DYOM series: Turning Point: Shift in the Sand. With Act I already released, expect at least 2 Acts getting ready for deployment! For a full synopsis of the series so far, see below:
Following the military life of Pvt. Mitchell, a fresh transfer to the 75th Ranger Regiment as he overcomes the addiction of war, and the hardships he is about to face as he serves with America's Finest. New Batch... is a simple training mission that shouldn't be too hard for experienced players. As he progresses through the days, he finds himself being assigned to much more "boring" missions. This is about to change, as convoy duty is not really easy. As the situation in Irag changes, jurisdictions continue to be tested. The militia have taken over the cargo ship, the Zodiac, and have taken its crew hostage. Mitchell and the Rangers are assigned to rescue and extract the crew safely. Meanwhile, Muhammed Farrah Aiziz, a well-know arms dealer and militia warlord, is drawing the ire of High Command with his black market activity... Even though the death of Aiziz was a strong loss to the militia, his leadership is much more important. Intel indicates that his leadership would be making a public broadcast at a disclosed location. Fortunately for Mitchell and the Rangers, several informants have provided the location. It's only a matter of time before they could finally end Aiziz's reign... After a set-up by one of the informants, Mitchell and the Rangers are in deep trouble. They have the attention of not just the town, but the whole city. Their only way out is to fight their way through, but it won't be easy. Super Six One was shot down in the vincinity. Mitchell and Hunter 2-1 are assigned to secure the crash site and wait for evac. It won't be long before the entire militia swarm the crash site, however...
1 - Unpack the .RAR once you have downloaded it, and extract the "Act I" folder to your destination of choice. 2 - Pick any of the 7 mission folders, and extract their DYOM0.DAT to your MPACK folder. 3 - Enjoy!
Status Report
Act I - Prologue Status: 100% Expected Deployment: Already Deployed
Act II - Insurgency Status: 28% Expected Deployment: TBD
Act III - Escalation - 0% Expected Deployment: TBD
Track this DYOM mission pack at the GTAForums topic: Leave your comments, criticisms or feedback here or at the official topic.
DYOM Contest Theme: Military
Turning Point: Shift in the Sand is turning its head towards this competition! "The Prosecutor" has already been released. Vote for these missions as your DYOM contest Theme Winner!
Update Feed: 06/06/10
Due to personal circumstances in life, Act II will probably be released around June 25-30, with the latest date possible at July 4, to commemorate Independence Day. It promises more action and some story development that is bound to change the lives of Pvt. Mitchell and Hunter 2"1. Hang tight! It's almost here!
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