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GTA Replays Manager
Information Files
Author: Vayan
Works with: GTAIII GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 2.4
Status: Complete
Started on: 30 Dec 2009
Last Updated: 30 Dec 2009
Views: 31451
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.25 (8 votes)
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-GTA Replays Manager 2.4-

This is an application that allows you to quickly save a replay files from GTAIII/VC/SA and load it back.

The game stores only one replay at time.
You can save it by pressing the F2 key in the game and then watch by pressing the F3 key.
(F1 key just shows the replay of the last seconds of the game without saving it)
To work with multiple replays, you need to copy the replay file from its location (My Documents\GTA <game> User Files)
to some folder to save it for the further watching and then copy it back to watch it.
GTA Replays Manager makes it all itself - you may just choose the directory and the name of a replay file.

-How to use it-
I. Loading replays to the game
Open Replays Quick Loader and press Install.
Then just double-click any .rep file and it will be loaded to the game.
Now you can press the F3 key in the game and watch the replay.

II. Saving replays from the game
Press the F2 key in the game to save a replay.
Open Replays Quick Saver, choose the directory to save the replay into, type the name of the file and press Save.

The first version of Replays Manager was an MS DOS batch file. Then the second was made, but hasn't been released
for about two years. Then it has been released. =)

Author: Vayan

Please check out my Vice City Second Wave script modification on GTAGarage
There's a couple of my Vice City videos on YouTube - look for V-Vice-Scripting on YouTube
And my 14 minutes-long script movie Annihilation III -
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