GangWars 0.8 IS AVAILABLE !
Changes :
-More gang members in all areas of the game, except the AirPort
-Less cops in all areas of the game, and even less or none in some poor areas of the city
-More gang cars circulating around the city
-Gang Members now automatically Hate the player and Cops, meaning they will sometimes start a gunfight against either the player or the cops.
-Every ped in the city can now carry weapons, and hate Criminals, meaning if a Pedestrian has a weapon, and he sees a criminal, he will maybe pull out his gun and fire.
So you can play GTA the normal way, the game remains the same, but you will see a lot more fire fights and chaos trough the city !
Even hookers and strippers can carry guns !
And you don't have to start a new game to enjoy this ! Just install and load your saved games !
So, have fun !