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{MVL} San Andreas Collection
SA to {MVL} Vice City
Information Files
Author: ALMOST610 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 25 Jun 2009
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2013
Views: 26617
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.44444 (9 votes)
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{MVL} San Andreas Collection
Since MVL now supports SA DFF and TXD Files, I have noticed a few people posting the odd SA Converted vehicle here and there, I have already got the Police Vehicles converted, I thought since I built a tool to convert SA Handling Data into MVL Format I might as well convert all the vehicle into MVL SA Format, atleast then they will all be in one place and there will no longer be the need to have hundreds of separate mods with SA Vehicles, and since I convert the original SA Handling they will act the same as they do in San Andreas. I have had all the Data, Comments, Etc, cleared from this mod (Thanks Pat.W for That) and have uploaded a whole bunch of the files, basically starting from scratch, with the MVL Components updated and ready for MVL 0.98c.
But Wait MVL 0.98C Is Not Yet Released!
Yes, MVL 0.98C has not yet been released, but there is an update to MVL 0.98B that gives you the 0.98C Test Version. UPGRADING MVL 0.98B to 0.98C Firstly Download and Install MVL 0.98B, Then Download the MVL 0.98C Test, Open up the 0.98C Archive and there will be a file called "vehmod.FLT", copy it, Then Navigate to the Vice City directory where MVL 0.98B was installed, open the "MSS" Folder, Then Proceed to replace the existing "vehmod.FLT" with the new one that was in that Archive. Hey Presto, Your Updated and Done.
With a Clean Copy of Vice City Install MVL 0.98b or Later LINK <><><><> IF YOU INSTALL MVL 0.98B, you will also need to download this LINK And replace the "vehmod.flt" in your Vice City "MSS" Folder. [MVL 0.98c (Which has yet to be released at the time of this release) has certain features that are needed] [to run these vehicles, so that small update allows MVL 0.98b to run these files then] [I had an Alpha Build of 0.98c, which that update is and it better supports SA Files in VC] <><><><> Open your Vice City directory and locate the "MVL" folder, inside of that is the "Vehicles" folder, which is where you can place your "vehiclesname.7Z" files, also make sure you have "sa_vehicle.txd" in that same directory [A Link to download "sa_vehicle.txd" is in the same place you downloaded this vehicle from] LINK RUN THE GAME, ENJOY!
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