How to install: (watch in Youtube for 60FPS)
This Mod makes you everything proof, it works on both Android and PC
View Readme.txt included for how to install and use.
If you have any questions or want to report bugs, feel free to drop a comment below
Newest video: (V5.01) (watch in Youtube for 60FPS)
old video: (V4.0) (watch in Youtube for 60FPS)
older video: (V3.8)
V2.2 fix updates:
* FIXED an issue when godmode dosen't work sometimes.
* Each time you exit your car now itll be destructible again to reanable cargodmode renter the car.
V2.3 FIX:
* PLAYER GOD MODE will Now Proporly Function
* Added Text To Display Godmode Status
V3.0 FIX:
* all godmode bugs has been fixed (the godmode will always work now)
*Player godmode won't interact with car godmode (because they used the same keys)
*new highlighted text
*car godmode now lock the doors. to unlock cancell the cargodmode also when the doors are locked you cannot exit your vehicle now
*once activating the cargodmode peds won't try to get you out of your car
V3.5 FIX:
* Compressed the two mod .cs files into 1.
* New text box displaying.
* On color is now Green and not Blue.
* You can now exit the vehicle when turn the godmode on, but it will disable its godmode features.
V3.6 FIX:
* Fixed a game crash when turning the vehicle godmode off before turning it on.
V3.7 FIX:
* Script Rebuild making the mode respond extreamly fast.
* You must Disable the godmode of the vehicle in order to get out of it.
* Vehicle Godmode bugs has been FIXED.
V3.8 FIX:
* Swim Drowning Bug fixed both on foot and in a vehicle (thanks for reporting it).
V4.0 FIX:
* Mod now features a way to unlock the doors without loosing the car invincibillity.
Mod should now have full support for CLEO 4.3.18.
Mod now has a fixed script for those who unlocked the fireproof ability in the game and don't want to loose it.
* Updated mod to support latest CLEO version (as of February 2018).
Added Android Version.
Added tweaks to Android version to improve compatibility
Thanks for downloading my mod.
Also make sure to check my other mods, I'm sure there are some more mods you'll like please let me know if you find any bug.
When you activate the cargodmode you won't fall from your bike.
by matanyehoshua1 AKA Mitorafer