Havana Outfit Fix
Information Files
Author: spaceeinstein No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Status: Complete
Started on: 03 Aug 2017
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017
Views: 10646
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.33333 (3 votes)
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Development topic:

Havana Outfit Fix is a modification for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City utilizing the CLEO Library. It checks for the misplacement of the Havana outfit pickup and repositions it to the correct location. After completing "Two Bit Hit", the Havana outfit pickup is created in a clothing shop in Little Havana. But doing "Cop Land" or "No Escape?" afterwards causes the game to misplace the pickup behind an invisible barrier. This can normally be avoided if those missions are completed before "Two Bit Hit" but with this mod you can complete the missions in whatever order you want without the pickup being misplaced.

* Download the mod (click the Download Mod button). If you are unable to open SEHavana.rar, rename the file to
* Download CLEO for Vice City at
* From the CLEO download, copy VC.CLEO.asi into Vice City's folder.
* If CLEO.asi already exists in the folder, you must delete that file.
* From this mod download, place the CLEO folder containing SEHavana.cs into Vice City's folder.
This mod has been tested only on VC v1.00 US.
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit