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New Great Effects
Information Files
Author: [SAK*]KING_OF_SA
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: v1.6
Status: Complete
Started on: 13 Jul 2007
Last Updated: 10 May 2010
Views: 925216
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.67593 (108 votes)
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New Great Effects 1.6

This new version includes totally improoved effects and now totally new effects, a new system (rain reaction system) and 4 ways to install it you can choose: HQ (High quality), MQ (Medium quality), LQ (low quality) or NQ (No quality) installation.

This mod Replaces:
Main files:
- particle.txd
- hud.txd
- effectsPC.txd
- effects.fxp
- fronten_pc.txd
- fronten1.txd
- vehicle.txd
Traffic complemts:
- cj_street_props.txd
- cj_traffic.txd
- gay_xref.txd
- mitraffic.txd
Water complements:
- a51_alpha.txd
- a51_detailstuff.txd
- ballyswater.txd
- lodc*nty.txd
- rczero_track.txd
- vegaswaterfall.txd
- vgndwntwn3.txd
- waterfall_sfw.txd
Weapon complements:
- ak47.dff
- ak47.txd
- chromegun.dff
- chromegun.txd
- colt45.dff
- colt45.txd
- c*ntgun.dff
- c*ntgun.txd
- desert_eagle.dff
- desert_eagle.txd
- m4.dff
- m4.txd
- micro_uzi.dff
- micro_uzi.txd
- minigun.dff
- minigun.txd
- minigun2.dff
- minigun2.txd
- mp5lng.dff
- mp5lng.txd
- sawnoff.dff
- sawnoff.txd
- shotgspa.dff
- shotsgspa.txd
- silenced.dff
- silenced.txd
- tec9.dff
- tec9.txd
GTA IV hud complements:
- armour.txd
- health.txd
- hud.txd
- misc.txd

This mod Contains:
If you read "(improoved)" it's that it was modified from last version

- Comepletely new added effects for scripts using.
- Transparent Water (very improved).
- Wind system (now effects are afected by wind).
- Animated textures system for some effects.
- HQ textures for HQ version, normal textures for MQ version, LQ textures for LQ version and NQ textures for NQ version.
- Long distance effects.
- New heathazes.
- New aim.
- Real traffic lights.
- New rocketlauncher aim.
- New radar look.
- Plane icon when you fly (improved).
- New Marker.
- New blood (improved).
- Better blood effect (improved).
- New sparks effect (When a bullet hit on some place will be created some beautiful sparks and some fragments) (improoved).
- Realistic Moon (very improved).
- New sun (very improved).
- New sun reflects.
- New clouds (very improved).
- New clouds effect.
- New jetpack effect (improoved).
- New fire (very improved).
- New flamethrower effect (very improved).
- New molotov fire (very improoved).
- Realistic explosions (very improved).
- New cool debris added to vehicle explosions (improved).
- New spraycan effect.
- New extinguisher effect (improved).
- Better texture and better effect for insects (a fly) (improoved).
- New gunshells.
- New gun flash effect.
- New gun smoke effect (improved)
- New lockonfire.
- New Water effects (very improved).
- New piss effect.
- New rain effect.
- New sand effects (very improved).
- Real random bubbles (improved).
- New Shadows (improved).
- Real headlights.
- New street lights.
- New light beam.
- New carwash effect (fixed).
- New heli/hydra dust (very improoved).
- New riot smoke.
- Better flare's red smoke with color variants: yellow, blue and green (improoved).
- New missiles smoke.
- New chimney smoke.
- New vent smoke.
- New nitro.
- New broken glass.
- Clean cars.
- New steering wheels.
- New Tyres.
- New tyre trail.
- New wheels vision.
- Better menu arrow.
- Transparent cursor.
- New retexture for SA weapons with weapon complements as bonus.
- And more...

List of new effects by me:
- smoke_flare_green
- smoke_flare_yellow
- smoke_flare_blue
- bsbhydra
- bsbhydra_big
- afterburner
- afterfire
- afterburner_duals
- afterfire_duals
- afterburner_sml
- afterfire_sml
- afterburner_sml_duals
- afterfire_sml_duals
- explosion_airstrike
- explosion_nuke
- explosion_predator

List of new efefcts that makes NGE 1.6 comapible with:
Pimpmycar mod by ZAZ:
- neonblueu
- neonredu
- neonyelwu
- neonpurpu
- neonpinku
- neonblues
- neonreds
- neonyelws
- neonpurps
- neonpinks
- neon2
SnowFX mod by oCain:
- snowfxI
- snowfxII
- snowfxIII
- snowfxIV

NOTE: This mod includes complements for SA GTA IV Hud (textures by Alexander Blade and modded by me). Thanks to Alexander for making that mod.

Manual Instalation

Run exe file and select where you want to decompress the mod. Then go to that folder and follow installation as always.

First of all you have to know that:
HQ = High Quality
MQ = Medium Quality
LQ = Low Quality
NQ = No Quality

1- First install Required Files from "Required Files" folder. The following files goes to "models" folder (which is inside your game's folder): "effectsPC.txd", "effects.fxp", "particle.txd", "hud.txd", "fronten1.txd" and "fronten_pc.txd". You can find "effectsPC.txd" and "particle.txd" inside three different folders that are placed inside "Required Files" folder. Choose the ones you want (if you want HQ version choose the files from HQ folder, MQ version from MQ folder, LQ version from LQ folder and NQ version from NQ folder). After that install "vehicle.txd" put it inside the "generic folder", which is inside "models".
2- Now you can install complemets. All these complements are installed importing files to "gta3.img". Just choose the ones you are gonna install. You can install "Traffic lights complements" and "Water complements" without problems. But install "Weapon's complements" only if you still have the original SA weapons and install.
3- Install "SA GTA IV Hud complements" only if you have "SA GTA IV Hud mod". They go to GTA_IV_HUD folder that is in your sa root folder if you installed GTA IV HUD mod.

SAMI Instalation

1- First of all you need to have San Andreas Mod installer. If you don't have it get it. You can find it easly in google.
2- Open each sami to install what its name says: "[HQ]Install New Great Effects 1.5.sami" will install NGE 1.5's HQ version, "[MQ]Install New Great Effects 1.5.sami" will install NGE 1.5's MQ version, "[LQ]Install New Great Effects 1.5.sami" will install NGE 1.5's LQ version, "[NQ]Install New Great Effects 1.5.sami" will install NGE 1.5's NQ version, "Install SA GTA IV Hud Complements.sami" will install SA GTA IV Hud Complements (don't install them if you don't have SA GTA IV Hud mod) and "Install Weapon Complements.sami" will install Weapon Complements (don't install them if you don't have the original SA weapons. If you have only some original weapons install them using manual installation.)
3- Select your game folder (the root folder) and press continue. Then press install.

NOTE: Dont's use "Install SA GTA IV Hud Complements.sami" if you don't have SA GTA IV Hud mod or "Install Weapon Complements.sami" if you have modded your weapons.

Have Fun.

This mod belongs to [SAK*]KING_OF_SA don't distribute without my permision.

To contact with me use this mail: [email protected]
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