Please do not give me any kind of bonus for this work anymore, not even with the 'implied hidden cookies'. I created this one for fun in order for everyone to have fun
Before you read
The number of CLEO mods for SA are countless, so there might be another mod like this.I've searched everywhere and didn't find such CLEO mod that let you config your own value so I made it.
CLEO FPS Adujter
This mod automatically adjust the FPS Limit when the game start up so you don't have to do it manually by trainer.
This mod need CLEO 4 so install it.
Drag the "put in SA directory" folder into your game folder
Open "frame.ini" in the game directory and set your desire FPS Limit.
I'll add some Q&A to clear any confusions.Thanks venom62 for that
Q: What is FPS?
A: FPS is short for Frame Per Second.It is there to keep your game from running too slow or too fast.
Q: Can I turn it off?
A: Yes, you can.It is in the Advance Video option AND is turned on by default.You cannot set the amount of FPS Limit, which this mod is for
Q: Why do I need this?
A: Without FPS Limit, some missions in the game can't be proceeded.Many high end PC users prefer to turn this off as it look 'better'
Q: How do this work?
A: First you open "frame.ini", set your desire FPS.Start the game and the mod will do its work.After that the mod waits for the refresh key to set the value again, so it doesn't cause your PC to crash
Q: How should I change the FPS?
A: If you have a high end PC, at first change it to '55'.You can also go above but stopped when the game started to act funny..I set it to '20' for my anicent PC
Taken from GTA SA FPS Adjuster by ReGeX, so credit to him and his program
The desire FPS Limit is actually higher than the actual FPS:
30 is actually 25 ingame (Default)
55 is actually 40 ingame (Recommend)
75 is actually 50 ingame
80 is actually 52 ingame
90 is actually 55 ingame
105+ is actually 60 ingame
WARNING: Be sure to select a FPS that your computer can handle.If you set it too high, your actual FPS will be eratic as you move around because it will
constantly attempt to reach the limit.
You can also set REFRESH_KEY, which can be used to refresh your FPS (when re-editing frame.ini) for example
There's also a "frame.ini.bak" file in case you mess up, rename it to "frame.ini" after you dump the old file
The mod only supports SA v1.00
UPDATE: Some small bug fix
fastman92 for some of the source